Prof. Dr. rer. med. Ingo Röder

Prof. Dr. Ingo Röder is director of the Institute for Medical Informatics and Biometry. He is a member of the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus at the Dresden University of Technology. In particular, he holds the professorship for Medical Statistics and Biometry. Since 2015, Prof. Röder is scientific director of the Core Unit for Data Management and Analytics (DMA) of the National Center for Tumor Diseases, Partner Location Dresden (NCT).
Furthermore, he was CIO of the medical division from 2014 to 2018. Since 2018 he is Dean of the Medical Studies Department at the Medical Faculty of the TU Dresden.
Research Areas
- Theoretical Biology / Medical Systems Biology:
- Application of mathematical models in the context of therapy optimization and model-based design of clinical studies (e.g. CML, AML, T-PLL)
- Dynamics of molecular regulatory networks
- Theoretical concepts of stem cell organization (theoretical stem cell biology)
- Clonal competition and stem cell-niche interaction
- Biostatistics / Bioinformatics:
- Statistical modeling (e.g. “mixed-effect” models)
- Analysis of cellular genealogies (cell family trees)
- Methods for (automatic) single cell tracking and analysis of the resulting cell tracking data
- Model-based study design
- Integrative methods for the analysis of molecular data (e.g. NGS-based)
- Medical Informatics:
- Data Integration Models
- “BigData” in Oncology
- Integration of model predictions into clinical decision making processes
Contact Information
Technische Universität Dresden
Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine
Institute for Medical Informatics and Biometry
Fetscherstraße 74, D-01307 Dresden, Germany
tel: +49 (0)351 458-6060,